
humanIT Software GmbH is a software vendor founded in 1997 as a spin-off from the Fraunhofer Institute in Bonn, Germany. It is now an independent subsidiary of proALPHA Group, a provider of ERP technology. humanIT serves 19 countries from its Bonn office and has over 1,000 customers with more than 100,000 users across 20 industries.

The product portfolio comprises three closely integrated products: InfoZoom Desktop (the desktop version), InfoZoom Data Quality Control (IZDQ) and NEMO, an AI-based offering focused on analysis of ERP data and optimization of business processes. There is also a close integration between proALPHA ERP and InfoZoom, so that data quality changes can be written back directly to the ERP system.
The aim of humanIT is to quickly make information in databases transparent and analyzable for busi-ness users. InfoZoom supports business users in ad hoc analyses, data monitoring, data profiling, data preparation and visualization. The use of InfoZoom follows a particular philosophy: the goal is to help users to understand information at a glance (i.e., to display the contents of a database on one screen). To do this, InfoZoom reads the data into its in-memory-based solution and combines the contents (characteristics) of attributes in a row in a technically meaningful way. The user immediately receives an overview of the value ranges and frequencies and can form an impression of the correct-ness of the data. Incorrect values can be quickly identified and adjusted directly in the tool by simply editing the values on a single row or on a group of rows. The overview of aggregated values is freely navigable and can be filtered. The user can easily move around in the data space and examine values and their relationships. Business users can visualize data using built-in diagrams, reports or the inte-grated OEM product List & Label, which offers advanced formatting and printing options. Moreover, InfoZoom content can be distributed to different users via the web or mobile devices.

User & Use Cases

InfoZoom is essentially an analysis tool for business users and not a typical BI and analytics product. Its aim is to understand and find patterns in data and by doing this, help users with data analysis and data quality improvement. To achieve this, InfoZoom shows all data on one screen and offers intuitive navigation capabilities to zoom into it. This enables users to analyze different attributes and their interrelationships. We also call this type of analysis ‘set-based analysis’. Therefore, it is not surprising to see that 79 percent of respondents said they use the product for ad hoc query and analysis, followed by 55 percent for reporting and 40 percent for dashboards. The product is mainly used by ‘data workers’, who typically represent a small percentage of the workforce. This is reflected in InfoZoom’s comparatively low user numbers.
InfoZoom does not focus on specific departments, company sizes or industries. In our sample, about one quarter of the respondents came from the manufacturing industry and about 21 percent each from the IT and public sectors. It is most commonly used in the finance department (58 percent), IT (56 percent), management (44 percent) and operations/production (42 percent). The product is primarily deployed in mid-sized companies, but a good proportion of both small and large companies also use it.

Summary of InfoZoom highlights

None of the InfoZoom users we surveyed claimed to be dissatisfied with the product. Indeed, InfoZoom received the second highest rate of ‘very satisfied’ customers with 83 percent, following up a similarly good result in last year’s survey. This leads to a top rank in the Business Software Generalists peer group and second place in the Midsize/Departmental Implementations peer group. In their feedback, users emphasized the product’s ability to help employees achieve transparency with their data and to produce analysis results fast. One described InfoZoom as “the Swiss Army Knife of BI”, pointing to the product’s versatility.

InfoZoom achieved outstanding results in the Project Success KPI for the third year a row. This KPI is calculated by aggregating feedback on five different aspects of project implementation. InfoZoom’s customers rated three of them (‘satisfaction with the implementation of technical aspects’, ‘satisfaction with the staff assigned’ and ‘completion within the timeframe originally specified’) above all the other vendors in The BI & Analytics Survey 24. Positive feedback for ‘satisfaction with the implementation of business aspects’ and ‘completion within the budget originally set’ also contributed to this excellent KPI result.


Want to see the whole picture?

BARC’s Vendor Performance Summary contains an overview of The BI Survey results based on feedback from InfoZoom users, accompanied by expert analyst commentary.

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BI & Analytics Survey 24 Awards


Peer Groups Analysis Focus, Business Software Generalists (BI), Midsize/Departmental Implementations (BI)
VendorhumanIT (member of proALPHA Group)
Number of responses53
OfficesBonn, Germany

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Quotes from the BI & Analytics Survey 24

The transparent view of our data is the main strength of InfoZoom.
CEO, IT, < 100 employees
The speed of the tool is the key advantage. Results can be generated quickly, which in turn can be the basis for important decisions.
Line of business employee, Utilities, 100 - 2500 employees
The hopes and expectations that my stakeholders and I placed in the product and the product environment at the time of the decision were completely fulfilled. The product demonstration in the run-up to the decision was competent, very customer-oriented and absolutely honest - the presented possibilities of the solution can now be used as we had hoped and have ultimately resulted in an unexpectedly broad range of uses. Particularly noteworthy is the increase in data quality in the various source systems - sparked by the introduction and use of InfoZoom.
Head of department (except IT), Public sector, > 2500 employees
The Swiss army knife of BI tools. Universal, intuitive and powerful.
External consultant, Manufacturing, 100 - 2500 employees
Very good tool for checking and improving data quality.
IT employee, IT, < 100 employees