Finding the Right Financial Consolidation Software To Suit Your Needs
To prepare consolidated financial statements, it is necessary to combine the financial data of the individual legal entities of an organization, eliminating intercompany transactions. The correct preparation of consolidated financial statements is essential for companies from both a financial and a legal perspective. They serve as a guide for group-related decisions, as well as for planning and controlling the entire organization.
We use the term financial consolidation to describe the disciplines of legal or statutory consolidation and management consolidation. While legal consolidation focuses on the consolidation and internal reconciliation of the individual financial statements of group companies to the consolidated financial statements in accordance with legal requirements (e.g., IFRS), management consolidation covers the aggregation and reporting of management-relevant information for corporate management (e.g., consolidation of business units).
Modern software solutions for financial consolidation and the preparation of consolidated financial statements must provide solid support and functionality for the key processes and core tasks. Unlike other software segments, the market for financial consolidation software is not characterized by rapid development and constant adoption of the latest technology trends. Software tools need to fulfill the core tasks of consolidation correctly from a business perspective and have to support the creation of a consistent consolidated group balance sheet and income statement.
The Financial Consolidation Survey evaluates the solutions in this software market in detail. Our focus is on asking business users who work with them on a daily basis for their informed opinions about these tools. This valuable feedback helps compare the flowery marketing promises of software vendors with actual user feedback, and can be a great help for companies in the process of choosing suitable software.
This article will reveal:
- a head-to-head-comparison of the featured products.
- the most important lessons learned from surveying hundreds of respondents about financial consolidation software usage and selection.
The Financial Consolidation Survey: Head-to-head financial consolidation tools comparison
No one knows more about how a financial consolidation tool performs in the real world than the customers already using it. All too often, they find that products don’t live up to expectations, or that the vendor does not support its product(s) properly. Therefore, when comparing software, there is almost nothing more valuable than user reviews.
This is where The Financial Consolidation Survey comes in. Collecting feedback from financial consolidation software users every year, we are able to provide detailed analysis of which software products get the best user ratings. This year, The Financial Consolidation Survey is based on the analysis of the real-world experience of 531 respondents with 309 answering a series of detailed questions about their usage of a named financial consolidation software tool.
It is the largest and most thorough fact-based analysis of the financial consolidation software market currently available, using comprehensive analyst experience to evaluate market trends and challenge some of the industry.
This edition features a broad range of software tools, not only from the well-known software giants, but also specialist products from much smaller vendors that ordinarily don’t get much press but which, in many cases, offer outstanding value to their customers.
Altogether, The Financial Consolidation Survey 24 compares 9 financial consolidation tools in detail. To be included in the detailed analysis, a tool requires at least 18 user reviews.
The KPIs
The Financial Consolidation Survey 24 examines financial consolidation software product selection and usage among users in categories (KPIs) including Product Satisfaction, Recommendation, Functionality and Business Benefits. There are 30 KPIs in total.
Different readers will have their own views on which of these KPIs are important to them. For example, some people will regard ease of use as critical, whereas others may consider financial consolidation functionality and support services to be more important.
Consequently, we think reducing the KPIs to only one aggregated score is too simplistic to be helpful when seeking out the best software to match your needs. In our view, there are at least five crucial KPIs when it comes to comparing financial consolidation tools from a user perspective. They are made up from 25 individual root KPIs: