In a previous article we looked at the different styles of decision-making in today’s organizations. Now we’re going to take a closer look at how these approaches to decision-making correlate with respondents’ views on their organizations’ information culture.

How decision-making styles influence information culture

Statements on information culture by style of decision-making (n=716)

The results show that democratic/collaborative decision-makers place the highest value on their information. In every aspect of information culture, companies with a democratic/collaborative style of decision-making scored the highest values.

Companies with this decision-making approach currently attach the same level of importance to their information as the average level all companies hope to achieve in the future.

Organizations with a top-down culture are much less likely to use and value their information than more democratic/collaborative companies. Respondents from companies with a top-down culture were less than half as likely to agree with most of the above statements about information culture as respondents from democratic/collaborative companies.


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