Since the notion of a corporate security perimeter has all but disappeared in recent years thanks to the growing adoption of cloud and mobile services, information security has experienced a profound paradigm shift from traditional perimeter protection tools towards monitoring and detecting malicious activities within corporate networks.

Increasingly sophisticated attack methods used by cyber criminals and the growing role of malicious insiders in recent large scale security breaches clearly indicate that traditional approaches to information security can no longer keep up.

When asked to assess the current situation of their company in the area of digital security threats in our Big Data Security Analytics survey, over 60% of participants indicated that digital security threats are a part of their daily business rather than an exceptional event. In fact, just 6% reported that their companies do not face any security threats at all.

Big Data Security Threat assessment

Current situation regarding digital security threats (n=306)

However, when we consider the results of various global security studies, which indicate that most security breaches take months to detect and companies often learn they have been hacked from third parties or even from the press, it should become obvious that this assumption can be extremely dangerous and in most cases it is based simply on a lack of awareness of malicious activities that may already be taking place in company networks.

Since this is one of the primary challenges that security analytics solutions aim to solve, companies should consider running a small pilot project or, at the very least, take advantage of the free security evaluation tools offered by many vendors. The results of even a single security check may be a startling revelation to many companies, especially smaller ones.


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